Are you missing this opportunity?…

Doug Bopst
2 min readAug 27, 2017


Over the weekend, I had some deep thoughts as sometimes I do about life lessons and things I have learned over the last 30 years…so, I always enjoy passing them along….

This week, Opportunity was on my mind and not just any opportunity, an opportunity to ensure that YOU become a better version of yourself no matter what!

You see, we all have bad days…heck even some bad weeks…it’s normal even. But, what we cannot let happen is let these bad days or weeks turn into bad months or even years! That is where things can spiral out of control.

Every breathe we take is a miracle. Every day we wake up is a blessing. The more we embrace that…the more OPPORTUNITY exists.

But, on the flip side, what we do with that opportunity is what separates the good from the great. You must eat right, get your body moving, surround yourself with people who bring the best out in you and have Faith. Yes, I said it…have Faith. Believe in yourself, Believe in something greater than you, believe you are going to do some great things.

To be honest, I never really embraced this stuff until several years ago. I had no idea what any of this stuff meant or why it was relative to me. Little by little…day by day…I am learning what more of this means and being inspired to share it with you.

If this message inspired or encouraged you, I invite you to share it with a friend or a loved one or if you feel it would be best portrayed in a video click here to see a live video I did on the exact same subject several days ago.


Doug Bopst

Owner, Doug Bopst Fitness, LLC

Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach

ACE Certified Behavior Change Specialist

Best Selling Author of “Faith Family Fitness”

2015 Baltimore Sun Fitness Hero



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