Being Thankful for your Blessings
I am not sure about you, but I have hit a lot of points in life where I am just pondering and saying “why did X have to happen to me?..” OR “why don’t I have X yet?..”
I am sure you get the picture now and can possibly relate..
But, after a few moments of playing the “woe is me” game, I realize that I have a ton to be thankful. I have a roof over my head, food on the table, money in the bank, good people and faith that God has control of my life.
I also realize that the things I am thankful for, especially the food and housing part, is better off than probably 95% than the rest of the world.
You see, one of the greatest decisions I believe I made was to partner with a company called “World Vision,” where I sponsor a kid from Ghana each month. What really struck me, when I looked into the details about the GDP of the country, the availability of clean water and the average income. It’s extremely humbling to say the least, and that in itself is something to be severely grateful for.
I am sure many of you, have had situations in your life similar to this one in that something you encounter humbles you to an extreme.
It reminds you of one major thing that I think is key in life…
And that is…
To be thankful for the things that you have instead of upset for the things you don’t have.
Whether you are upset that your neighbor has a nicer car…your kids teammate is better player…you aren’t happy with your job…you aren’t happy with XY or Z…
What are the things in your life you ARE thankful to have…write them down and chances are you MAY realize life isn’t so bad…
But, it also doesn’t mean you can’t work on the things you don’t have…just use the energy to be proactive on how to get it and not reactive as to why!
Have a great day!