Either you Find Fitness or eventually..it WILL find you!
Earlier this week, on a Facebook live, I talked about the importance of doing what you can to start a fitness program. If you missed it, you can watch it here , if you would rather skip the blog and watch the video..
With regards to a fitness program…
But, not just starting one…being consistent with it too. You see, I think the reason people aren’t consistent with regards to a fitness program is that we are always chasing someone else’ goals and not really our own. We are chasing what others what and not what we want.
We are reading on the internet what others are doing, instead of actually doing the things we like to do. We compare ourselves to a neighbor, a co worker or a friend, without even taking a moment to realize, that we are different than they are. Realizing that we need to focus on becoming just a little bit better version of ourselves each and everyday.
Don’t beat yourself up if you are a victim of this, but I encourage you not to wait any longer to get started, you don’t want to end up in the situation of “fitness finding you…”
When I say this, I mean you are in the doctors office…40…50…60..100 lb. overweight….just got news that you have type 2 diabetes…or heck even worse, you discover you could have a heart attack at any moment!
You end up with an injury that could have been prevented…
Or maybe it’s a loved one…a son or daughter…
These things happen every single day. Obesity, heart disease and diabetes are on the rise like the stock market…we are in a BULL market when it comes to our nations unhealthy-ness.
If you don’t believe me, I encourage you to google the statistics on obesity in kids and adults in the U.S. today, it’s frightening.
It can be hard, I get it! I was once there with you, overweight, unmotivated and telling myself I would wait to start working out.
I was one that got forced into it…I had to start working out to save my life. You can learn more about that here.
It’s not easy, if it was, we all would do it. But I encourage you to take the first step in doing what you need to. Get outside, take a walk, play a sport, lift weights, hire a trainer..etc. Just take ONE STEP today in becoming healthier today than you were yesterday. You will thank yourself one day. Let me know how I can help.
P.S. don’t forget to pick up a copy of my best selling book Faith Family Fitness and let me know what you think!