Who is in your light house?
Lately a friend and I have really talked a lot about the importance of the five people we are surrounded by the most and how it translates into living our best life. This is one of THE most important things you can possibly do and I am going to show you why in a few minutes.
When I think of my “five” I think of them as my lighthouse. You may be thinking this is some sort of silly analogy. But hear me out.
Imagine a house that requires 5 lights to be fully turned on and functional. To shine at it’s brightest. To bring the biggest light to the day. What happens if one of those lights burns out or is turned off?
Now think about how that analogy relates to your “five.” If one of them is super negative or complains a lot, how does that affect your lighthouse? Or if one is feeling down in the dumps or stressed out, how does that affect it?
Hopefully you are starting to see where I am going with this.
For me, I have my “five,” and have been very selective in who they are. I need my lighthouse to be turned on when needed and shining bright. Now it doesn’t have to be “shining” bright at all times. But, you just need to be able to flip the switch and boom. Your five should be a combination of the 5 people who help you be your absolute best self.
My Five:
1. Jesus
2. Grandparents
3. Friend
4. Friend
5. Friend
Now, the second part of this is what are you doing to brighten YOUR LIGHTHOUSE.
Personally, I try to give 110% effort to my lighthouse. To make sure I am doing everything I can to help them get better. To help them feel great each day. To show them my love, care and appreciation.
Why is this important?
You need to put into your lighthouse what you expect to get out of it. Now I am not saying to be nice, caring, helpful, etc. just to seek some sort of reward. But what I am saying is that if you want your lighthouse to see the value in you, you must first show them, NOT TELL THEM. Because there are going to be times when you need your lighthouse. You are stressed. You lose a job. You have a bad day. All these things happen… IT’S LIFE! But, if you aren’t giving it your all to these five people, how can you expect them to be there for you?
You know, the last few weeks I have been really stressed out. With work, family stuff and a few other things. I am a person who thrives off my lighthouse. When someone CALLS you to let you know they care or asks how you are doing… it goes a long way.
My lighthouse wasn’t always something that lit me up. If anything, at times, it was a “dark house.” Surrounding myself with people who wanted to get high, bring me down and flood my brain with negative thoughts and actions. I struggled and I struggled. Constantly trying to flick the light switch on. I wasn’t very successful until I made the decision to change.
Change who I was surrounding myself with.
Whom I was talking to.
Whom I was leaning on.
Whom I wanted in my lighthouse.
Friends, keep your lighthouse strong, burning bright and ready to shine through the darkness!